
Where Is Flower Paradise In Pokemon Diamond And Pearl And Platinum?


10 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Flower paradise is at the back of route 224 after getting  oaks letter
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Have pokemon around level 30
If you have Action Replay (and the walk anywhere code): Go to the Pokemon League and go EAST You will find yourself in Route 224. Avoid trainers and get to the end of the route and well you will see a path of flowers.  I suggest to take your bike out because it's a little bit of a long ride. You will end up in a meadow (Flower Paradise) and Shaymin will be there waiting.

If you don't have any cheats: YOU MUST GET THE NATIONAL POKEDEX!!! When you made your way to the Pokemon League I bet you saw a guy blocking a cave door thing. Well he won't be there. Go through it and you will be teamed up with a girl named Marley. She'll keep your pokemon healthy. There are lots of trainers. It may take awhile. When your finally out of the cave, you will be on route 224 (with ,of course, more trainers and without Marley). I suggest try and avoid the most of them as you can, unless you want to train. When you get to the end of the route, you will see a path. TAKE YOUR BIKE OUT!!! And go down the long path. When you finally get to the end of the path you will be in Flower Paradise with Shaymin there waiting to battle.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In the way that is blocked in pokemon diamond / pearl / Platinum
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You must eat the giratina's feces
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No its near route 224 you just go to the little passage way in the Victory Road. After you collect The national Pokedex. You also need Oaks Letter from a special event or action replay.
Hope this Help :>)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Look you need an action reaplay ok tell me if you have action reaplay go to the place on the side of the pokemon league ok and than go to the strange rock thats polishie ok than walk right up an than you will see flowers ok tha just keep going up you will find shaming ok

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