
What Is Bandits Password On Bin Weevils?


50 Answers

Rory Copus Profile
Rory Copus answered
Unfortunately you cannot gain access to anyone's personal information on Bin Weevils without them giving you it directly.

Bandit is a character on the online game site Bin Weevils. For a number of years, people have questioned who this character is and how can we gain access to his account, why? Because he is an unusual character who provokes reaction in the world of Bin Weevils. He is a rude, snobby and arrogant player and will often ignore others who try to make conversation with him. He makes a game out of getting attention and then snubbing any reaction he gets by refusing to communicate with other players. Bandit ignores hundreds of newbies or noobs (as he calls them) all of the time and has admitted that he hates new players. He and friends will spend all their time bragging, showing off or bullying noobs.

It is thought that Bandit has cheated his way through the Bin since he joined; he is very good at hacking. Bandit does have a MySpace page in which he reveals Glitches

Bin Weevils is in itself an online community which is designed for children. Members can design their own Bin Weevil which lives in a virtual world; they can then control their Bin Weevil in this world and chat and play games with other users as well as solve puzzles and decorate their own homes and garden. Members can earn virtual money by completing puzzles etc. This can then be used to buy new furniture and items for the home (or Bin Nest).

To ensure Bin Weevils stay happy and healthy, they need to be played with and fed frequently. There is a cafe where Bin Weevils can go to eat and even things like movie theaters and shopping malls.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Boys Rule
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Guys on blurtit please don't take peoples accounts its pointless some are not real you don't know if you want to be famous like him try to be don't try to log in peoples accounts thank you
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I don't no bandits but I no eilliehoyles weevil name eilliehoyle and password dog
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Nobody nos his real pass xept him but I have a clue
1:its 25 characters long numbers and letters
2:its all jumbled up it would be hard to gess
3:I got all these clues from bandit himself on his binweevils site
PS I know a kool binweevils site wiv a chat and all on it so if you want it it is under here I helped
PS AGAIN: Bandit and henzas website is under here AGAIN I HOPED I HELPED
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
What is so special about bandit the fact that he is the only non mod weevil ever to get super antenna or that hes the richest weevil any way he changes it evey day I know becuas I'm nerly the king of glitches I know how to get big antenna easy peasy just win kotb 20-30 times who wants to know his password hes only one weevil any one can do what he does any way any one who wants to go to my site it is called
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ok I don't know why someone made this site to get bandits password. I feel sorry for bandit. Everyone is always bugging him and trying to hack him. Just leave the poor fella alone will you?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Non of you people even know his password since I checked evry single 1 & non of em worked so get lost!1
iqra Profile
iqra answered
Well I know I just went on it but he is on leval 9 and his room is ugly so don't try getting his pass if you want to here it is you: Bandit 1 p: Bandit
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well the bandit is amazing! Ive met the bandit before and been to his nest! ITs huge! But he couldnt be ma bud so I was sad and ma weevil name is Bugbug watch out for her. GO BANDIT!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Bandit is just a human bein not as if he is famous there no point in wantin his pass you can be kool your self
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Do no BUT
I know princesses's you know katie prices kid

user name : Princesses-reid
pass   : Mummy
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No point hacking him leave him alone why don't you try get like bandit yourself   he has no pass I used password hacker on him and his pass was blank!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
He changes it everytime someone hacks him but I think it is bad-boys or bad boy or cool or frogs or devil ive try ed them all but none of them worked
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No one will know it so stop tryin to hack him. My friend told me he was banned forever so you may as well stop trying
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I know how to be a moderator because iam one ive got super antena and 1000,000mulch and you get to be a mod by downloading moderators id on the website tesnexus wich I helped made
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Bandits password your all wrong its actually user name bandit and password bandit 101 ll need to get it wright ok
bella Gates Profile
bella Gates answered
I met him were friends but he told me in my nest its=banditlovesbandit
or banditlovesbin-petsandbinweevilfun
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey non of you know his pass neither do I !! But how does he gett soooooo much mulch so easley !

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