Megan Fisk
Megan Fisk thanked Debbie Harrington's answer

Ask God to cleanse you of your depression and fill you with the holy spirit. Last time I was really depressed I had to go the store and I seen this homeless man counting his change and I no longer pitied myself their were so many other people less fortunate then me God showed me … Read more

Megan Fisk
Megan Fisk commented on Dances With Wolves' answer
All drivers appear to be up to date, however it doesn't show up in device manager for some reason. I know the hardware isn't broken because it works every now and then. Lenovo vantage won't pick it up either. Ill try look in privacy settings. thanks.
Megan Fisk
Megan Fisk thanked Dances With Wolves' answer

Webcam is not detected or unable to turn on the camera. Before going to the below troubleshooting flow, please give a quick check. Try different apps to identify whether it is a hardware problem. Different apps include Youcam, Skype, Line, Facebook messenger, etc.

The issue may be caused by:

  • Camera driver is out of date or not … Read more