
What Are The Main Components Of A Linux System?


3 Answers

Shumaela Rana Profile
Shumaela Rana answered
The Linux system has three main bodies of code, in sequence with, most conventional UNIX implementations.

1- THE KERNEL: "The kernel" is in charge for maintaining all the vital abstractions of the operating system, together with such things as virtual memory and processes. The Linux kernel forms the central part of Linux operating system. It provides all the functionality compulsory to run processes, and it also provides "system services" to give arbitrated and sheltered or protected access to hardware resources. The kernel implements every feature that is required to be eligible as an operating system.

2- THE SYSTEM LIBRARIES: "the system libraries" describe a typical set of functions through which applications can interrelate through the kernel. And which apply much of the operating system functionality that does not require the full rights or privileges of kernel code.

3- THE SYSTEM UTILITIES: "the system utilities" are the programs that execute individual, particular and specialized managing tasks. some of the system utilities may be invoked just once to initialize and configure some features of the system; others (known as daemons in UNIX language ) may run enduringly, conducting such tasks as responding to inward or incoming network connections, accepting logon requests terminals or updating log records and files.

The whole kernel code executes in the privileged mode of processor along with the full access to all the physical resources of the computer. This privileged mode in Linux is referred as "kernel mode", equal to the monitor mode. In Linux user-mode code is not built into the kernel. Any operating-system-support code that does not require to execute in kernel mode is located into the system libraries as an alternative.
Polanki padmini Profile
Polanki padmini answered

The main components of a linux system are:

Kernel, System libraries, Shells and GUIs, System utilities and Application program.

For further details visit the site: Linux online training in kurnool

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