CLR is the common language runtime. Inside CLR there is CTS and CLS. CLS is the common language Specification. CTS is common Type specification. CLS is a subset of CTS. CTS checks for the type specification eg whether the correct parameter is passed for example whether correct data types are present.
The CTS takes place after the MSIL code is generated. This is done to enforce strict type checking and security. Languages like VB.NET does not have a strict type checking system. CLS checks whether the memory access is proper.Unsafe memory access is not permitted. This enforces tough security in CLR. CLS is a common language specification to which all the languages must adhere.
The CTS takes place after the MSIL code is generated. This is done to enforce strict type checking and security. Languages like VB.NET does not have a strict type checking system. CLS checks whether the memory access is proper.Unsafe memory access is not permitted. This enforces tough security in CLR. CLS is a common language specification to which all the languages must adhere.