When considering your thesis title or the topic you wish to base a title on, it is very important to discuss this with your tutor before you commit fully.
Although it is certainly useful doing some research on possible titles and topics, you need to make sure you will be comfortable tackling the question. You also need to be sure you will be able to produce a confident answer that is backed up with facts and references.
A few examples of thesis titles and topics for an information technology course are as follows:
Ultimately though, it will be your decision as you should know your strengths and weaknesses in the subject. You need to pick a title that you have some previous knowledge and interest in. This will make it easier for you to digest the research you do on the subject as it will not be all alien to you.
Some topics may have limited prior research; these need to be avoided as you may struggle to back up any of your theories or arguments.
Although it is certainly useful doing some research on possible titles and topics, you need to make sure you will be comfortable tackling the question. You also need to be sure you will be able to produce a confident answer that is backed up with facts and references.
A few examples of thesis titles and topics for an information technology course are as follows:
- What role do computers play in today's society?
- How much of a threat is the growth of hackers to the IT industry?
- What are the main milestones in the growth of information technology?
Ultimately though, it will be your decision as you should know your strengths and weaknesses in the subject. You need to pick a title that you have some previous knowledge and interest in. This will make it easier for you to digest the research you do on the subject as it will not be all alien to you.
Some topics may have limited prior research; these need to be avoided as you may struggle to back up any of your theories or arguments.