Its a means to communication. Used wisely, cautious and with common sense, it can be fun, educational and entertaining.
That being said I enjoy surfing on Facebook.
It is all in how you use it. I am selective as to who I friend on Facebook. It just CLOSE friends and family. For me it has been a great way to keep in touch with everyone. My friends and family have been spread out across the world at times, so it is easy to keep up with everyone.
If you friend everyone you meet, you are bound to have problems. People will gossip and bicker and get offended and what you to pick sides. So just be selective of who you friend.
Facebook itself is neutral. Good and bad depends on the user.
For me ? Every single moment of facebook being useful.
-Had this opportunity to find the most greatest people on this earth via facebook, across the world, Germany, Italy, India, Lebanon, England, . .
-Had this opportunity to join pages , groups and meet people on my taste, from music, movies, soccer , life ideologies and more ...
-Also meeting people with full disagreements! Vise versa of me! So agreements and disagreements, brings useful discussions and that teach me to absorb and look by different perspectives.
-Helped me to stay put and connected to my favorites, categories and people! To catch up with every updated news, as i said before, even U.S Military has facebook account.
-Giving me this chance to stay connected to friends and people that i'd like to stay in touch with.
So many more . . .
I tried it for a couple of months but couldn't handle the inanity. It certainly has its uses but it depends on what you do with it and how you control what's posted on your wall.
Try twit ter or insta gram.
Personally I am not on Facebook or other social media. Not all but many family feuds and broken friendships, and divorces can be attributed to social media. I for one am not interested in all the drams. On the plus side it does make communicating with select people fast. However as it was previously written here, it is the user who makes it a positive or negative experience.
I Don't Have any social media but Facebook is another way of communication But there is probably some Gossip To.