Have we reached "peak app"? As in, are there so many apps out there, literally an app for everything, and people are no longer looking for new apps to download?


2 Answers

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

I'm thinking that we're getting apped out. When I look for a certain kind of app, there are just too many to choose from that I don't download any, out of frustration.

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

There'll always be a market for new apps if they can be promoted successfully. It probably doesn't matter too much what they can do, as long as they can be made to sound either useful or fun.

Writers who publish on the Internet face the same problem. With thousands of books being published every week you have to be lucky to get any sales at all. The quality or otherwise doesn't seem to matter very much.

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