What's the easiest and/or most useful coding language?


3 Answers

Ray Dart Profile
Ray Dart answered

This is going to sound "quaint" and "old". But if you learn C and C++, you will learn so much about all aspects of coding. Other languages will seem much more logical.

If I were starting now, I'd learn Ruby. It has everything.

PHP is ok, more used than Ruby but not as useful in real terms.

Javascript is quite fun to work with, but like PHP, cannot easily be prototyped - you mainly need to use it in conjunction with web pages/HTML etc.

Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

It really depends what you want to build or what kind of job you want to have to be honest.

JavaScript is used very widely, and it's a worthwhile language to have under your belt because you can do pretty much anything with it these days, both front end and backend, and it also has a bunch of frameworks and libraries.

Python is often cited as a good entry point to programming because it is quite abstract and you can get things done pretty quickly using the read–eval–print loop. It's also favored in fields like data science.

But there are plenty of other languages to consider...

If you're interested in building apps, and you're passionate about Apple, then Objective C or Swift are wise options.

I'd recommend Swift if you want to build iOS apps for yourself, but Obj C is almost always a requirement if you're hoping to do it professionally. Luckily, acquiring one after the other isn't too much of a leap.

iOS developers seem to be super sought after too - so this could be a wise career choice.

1 Person thanked the writer.
The Expert
The Expert commented
Aren't Scripting languages such as JavaScript only used within other languages?
Yo Kass
Yo Kass commented
Not really, Javascript is pretty dynamic and functions as a general-purpose programming language too. This is a good intro: http://www.crockford.com/javascript/javascript.html
The Expert
The Expert commented
Alright. Thanks!
John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

Python is the easiest for game coding. For website development, you'd want to learn HTML and CSS, they work hand in hand. I think the most common language in gaming is C++....

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