Why does it seem that people who have "autocorrect" have so many problems? Wouldn't it just be better to disable that function?


4 Answers

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

I've always wondered the exact same thing. I always turn that feature off first thing because of the problems! I keep the suggestion feature on though. Best of luck to you!

Walt O'Reagun Profile
Walt O'Reagun answered

... From deep in the bowels of Apple's research facility ...

R&D 1: "How about we add a feature to autocorrect when people spell wrong?"

R&D 2: "Great.  Let's do it."  {pause} "Y'know what would be funny?  If it randomly made things worse."

R&D 1: "Hahahahahahaha.  That would be hilarious."

RIK RZ Profile
RIK RZ answered

MOST OF THOSE AUTOcorrect problems are either because people dont know you cann turn it off or because people keep it for a laugh or "facebook likes"

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