Do tell some style you prefer or want to play at the moment!
What are your favorite PC/Console games? I've run out of games to play lol so I'm on the hunt for more
I don't think you would care much for some of the games I play as most are strategy and simulation games. But this company has all kinds, so I'll put their website up for you to go through as I have beta-tested many of their games. They have all kinds ! Another place to look is as they have online games you can play for free.
Rust is fun, lots of pvp. If you like older games, look on the website good old games ( They have a lot of fun older games that are updated to run on current machines. Most are $10 or less. I played SWTOR (Star Wars The Old Republic) for a couple years, it was fun, I think there is a big update coming for it soon.
I haven't played in a while but hubby suggested a couple of games. First is Witcher 3. Second is Talos Principle. He loved them both. Which is unusual because hubby doesn't usually love his games. Of course his two favorite games of all time are Half Life 2 and Portal 2. Check out some or all. My hubby is very picky. Oh yeah, maybe Borderlands 2.