What do you think of modern online lingo like bruh, bro, or things like that?


4 Answers

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

I despise it. Proper grammar and spelling is important. I won't even answer questions with intentional misspelling and shortcut words.

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile

Other than lol or something of that sort, I try to stick with as much proper grammar and spelling as I know. When I get a message from someone who intentionally misspells or uses too much lingo, I tend to think of them as unintelligent. Communication is the most important aspect to any relationship whether it be personal or international. If this is so, how can we treat it so lightly? Best of luck to you my friend!

Taylor Brookes Profile
Taylor Brookes answered

I hate them. I think it makes people sound ridiculous. And of course that lead into people typing/texting,  ect. Lyk dis. It annoys me so much can't even explain it. Especially because its younger kids doing it as well, like 12, 13. At least the older ones kind of know how to spell stuff properly and can when they need to. We're going to end up with a generation of (actual and emotional, but that's another thing altogether) idiots.

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

I don't care much for it at all but I guess it's the newest generation thing. I don't text much at all and even when I do, I still use proper spelling if I can. Guess it's something we'll just have to learn to live with. Not everyone uses language like that but many of the younger ones do so it's going to be an ongoing thing.

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