Netflix is available in the following countries United States, Canada, Mexico, South America, United Kingdom, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg.
However, if you want to watch American/English movies while you are abroad, or want to use Netflix in a country not listed above, there is a way!
All you need to do is sign up for a VPN (Virtual Private Network) such as PureVPN. You can choose to do this for a month only or on an annual basis. To be honest though, a VPN will protect you by encrypting all data sent from your PC, so it is a good thing to have even when you are at home.A VPN will allow you to access your USA or UK Netflix account with no problem, so you can login to your existing account just as you would at home.
I provided a link to PureVPN because they have competitive rates and were the first company to launch a VPN. However, there are many more companies offering the same sort of thing so feel free to shop around for a great deal.
I hope that helps, watching familiar movies and TV abroad is somehow quite comforting!