
Where can I get a 6iv Yvetal Zygarde and Xerneas?


1 Answers

Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

I asked the question "Where can I get a 6iv Yvetal Zygarde and Xerneas?" to a Facebook group of Pokemon experts, and the results were less than helpful:

Once I got over my rejection and humiliation at the hands of the Pokemon Masters of Facebook, I went digging around on and I found out that, although Ethan Fenwick wasn't very helpful on Facebook, he was half right... I do actually have to simply play the game and keep a look out for 6iv Yvetal Zygarde and Xerneas, there's no tip or trick to it.

What to do if you can't find 6iv Yvetal Zygarde and Xerneas?

The other thing I learned on this Pokemon journey is that, if you can' catch them all... Then you sure as sugar can trade them all.

Pokemon trading has become as vital a part of the game as catching Pokemon and battling against other trainers...

So if you are struggling to find 6iv Yvetal Zygarde and Xerneas, maybe it's time you hit the forums and Facebook groups, and start trading the Pokemons you do have.

Pokemon X & Y Elite is the group I'm part of, and you can find us here:

You also might want to start checking out Pokemon traders on various other social media platforms, such as YouTube:

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