
What Is The Advantage Of Do While Loop Over While Loop?


3 Answers

Florio Potter Profile
Florio Potter answered

A " do...while " loop runs the code before testing the condition. This guarantees that the code will be executed at least once, even if the condition is already false. On the other hand, a conventional " while " loop tests the condition first, and if it is false the code is not executed at all. For more information get help at

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Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In case of while loop if the condition is true then only programs enters the logic whereas in case of do while loop the condition is not checked first the program executes the logic once and then goes to condition i.e,even if the condition is true or not the logic is executed once.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Do while loop is do while loop while while loop is while loop...if you understood anything then please make me understand this crap contact no. Is - 2 ...wt did you think my telephone you idiot it is my contact lens no.

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