1) "receive" is spelled like that not like this - recieve
2) Sentences like "Our efficient team has done tons of research and now we have decided to list few companies top web hosting reviews from India." make no sense (and there are a lot like that on the site).
3) "Compared" is spelled like that and not like this - comapred
4) "in order" are two words.
5) "Advantage" is spelled like that.
6) Joomla should always be capitalised.
7) There should be no space between a word and a following comma.
8) "prefoessional" is not a word (it's a bit unprofessional to make so many mistakes in a web hosting review site).
9) morw is not a word.
10) The bit about "windows hosting" was not only nonsense it was bad nonsense.
11) comprehensivness is not spelled like that.
12) protability is not a word.
13) "Even if your are thinking.... " did you mean "Even if you're thinking"?
There are loads of other examples of bad syntax and incorrect sentence construction.
Sorry, you did ask...