
Can I Have A Fantage Code For A Gift Certificate\?


9 Answers

Neal Widdows Profile
Neal Widdows answered
There is a website that you can check out that does loads of great Fantage giveaways:

All you have to do to take advantage of these freebies is to go through three steps. The first is to register an account with them, just a username, password and your email address, you don’t have to give them any other details. Then you need to collect some points. You do this by giving your opinion on some common events by completing a few surveys, this is so they can determine that you are actually a real person and not just some automated response to their site. You can also earn extra points by referring your friends. Once you have collected some points you will be able to redeem them for prizes.

To do this, just go the ‘Redeem Prizes’ form and select your prize, it will be delivered to you between one and five days. You will need 15 points to get the Ultimate Cheats Guide or a Gift Certificate; 30 points to get a Premium Membership Account for one year and 50 points to get 70,000 eCoins. 

There is also another site that will give you lots of cheats, hints and walkthroughs for Fantage: They are continually increasing their collection so you will probably find lots here, too. If you have any of your cheats or hints that you want to share you can do that on this site as well. This means that people like you are using the site so you can be sure that all the information you get has been tried and tested first.

There are also reviews so you can see what other people have to say about different aspects of Fantage before you spend those hard earned eCoins.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Only if you are a member on fantage and you do have to pay for the certificate.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
qwen justice Profile
qwen justice answered
This is a real code haha ! (5382 8900 3729 2174)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Heres my code: 8193 7843 9901
Enjoy it! If someone used it already, its your fault for not getting it first.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes I have one but it'll only work if your the first person to use it

7649 3625 1597 4639
I hope it works for the first peron good luck!!

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