Computers are probably the only tool available that can help us in storage and organization of data and information. Today computer industry is the biggest industry worldwide and has a great impact on the society. The computers became popular because of the following features:
Large memory.
Role of computers in accounting & Business organizations
Help in Operations: Computers help in various accounting operations like invoicing, calculation of wages, maintaining ledger, etc.
Help in Controlling: With the help of computers, a business concern can have better control over its operation. They help in budgetary control, sales analysis, credit control, etc.
A computer can process almost any type of information required by a business. Some areas where computers are most popular are listed below:
Inventory control
System analysis
Inventory control
Sales accounting
Market research
Purchase accounting
Planning & control
Quality control
Management accounting
Large memory.
Role of computers in accounting & Business organizations
Help in Operations: Computers help in various accounting operations like invoicing, calculation of wages, maintaining ledger, etc.
Help in Controlling: With the help of computers, a business concern can have better control over its operation. They help in budgetary control, sales analysis, credit control, etc.
A computer can process almost any type of information required by a business. Some areas where computers are most popular are listed below:
Inventory control
System analysis
Inventory control
Sales accounting
Market research
Purchase accounting
Planning & control
Quality control
Management accounting