
How Do You Play Wizard 101 On Ds?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
READ!!! THIS!!!! BEFORE!! PLAYING WIZARD101!!!!! You can't play it on the DS, but I have to say the game is bad for kids with textchat that is, there are so many people trying to say bad words like, YOU o BENCH! And, MOTHER FOR oK ERR!!! And FLOCK YOU, and SOAK MY.... I can't say it, its just to nasty and dirty... And their are even mental sick people on here, their is this one girl named courtney dragonrider ..... That is very sick and mental ... She talks about cutting herself and she dates on wizard101.... She was very mean to a girl named ellie lifeblade and sophia waterblade... She says she is just 13 or on the game you would say one tree OR tenth plus tree ... But I have done my research and she is in a mental home... And goes on face book and clams she is some pretty girl, but is really and older woman trying to find out where kids live .it is bad for the minds of young kids I do not agree with the game at all!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can't well not that I know of but I wish I could because I can't play it  on computer

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