There is a game called wolf quest if you make one my user name is snow pup with id klr21 your welcome
Well theres games like Mystical realms, Cats paw island, Immer teru, Mystic Eclipses and anyother games like Club penguin, Habbo, Animal Jam *Awesome* And downloads like Impossible creatures, Feral Hearts and Wolf Quest. Hope I helped!
there is one like wolfhome. It's called wolfing :)
and now i saw how old the question was xD
Theres this game called impressive title but I can't download it cause it has stupid virus...
Thers a good place call I'm countrygirlsheart. Its fun I'm on there a lot of the time.
No there isn't that site is unique and one of a kind.
Here are some, Try Impossible Creatures, fereal hearts.
I hope this helped.
Please contact me at camagucci on wolfhome.
I hope this helped.
Please contact me at camagucci on wolfhome.
Yes theres wolfquest but you would have to download it. BUt it is soooo fun
No there is no other site like wolfhome...... But I wish there was.....
I can't think of any :( Sorry...I wish there was because Wolf Home ish epic.. ._.