Does a samsung Galaxy s5 or higher have a gps so when im walking and done trick or treating I could use it so I can go home without calling parents?


3 Answers

Wesley Crusher Profile
Wesley Crusher answered

On Google Maps app, you can save a large chunk of offline maps so you can pull it out without needing data.

Walt O'Reagun Profile
Walt O'Reagun answered

Quite honestly ... If you don't know the area well enough to get home without GPS, you shouldn't be trick-or-treating there.

Especially if your parents don't know where you're at.

It may not be asking for trouble - but's it's plain stupid.

1 Person thanked the writer.
zack leon
zack leon commented
But then I won't be in many houses is there any another way especially if I can only go to decorated house which they only give candy Iike the question I asked before (awhile ago)?
zack leon
zack leon commented
Can I just give the street and avenue?

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