
What Kind Of Things Are People Most Interested In Asking About Through Internet?


7 Answers

donna jackson Profile
donna jackson answered
Most people ask about relationship issues, health issues, and their hobbies.
In a moment of crisis the internet can be a good source of information, since there is no limit to the potential knowledge on the internet at any given time, people can connect to someone immediately who has been where they are, and could offer some perspective.
If you have just been left by your husband,girlfriend, best friend you may be so distraught you need advice as to how to handle the situation immediately, Damage control may be necessary.
Health issues and discussions which come from them,are popular. People want to speak to others who have been through the illness or condition they are experiencing, to ask where to receive treatment and information, or how to loose weight for example.

Hobbies, of course have made their home on the internet since its inception .Where else can you find that ticket to the sold out concert, a comic from 1978, those first edition stamps, the star wars collectors dolls, the replacement cup for your mothers dinner service that you broke the cup of. On the internet of course ,where everyone is.
Georgia amazing ;) Profile
Things like how old are you
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
What is her/his phone number, that's the popular question of all time.
Tommy Bai Profile
Tommy Bai answered
For game cheats.

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