piyoosh tripathi
piyoosh tripathi answered
Assembler- A computer program that takes computer instructions and converts them into a pattern of bits that the computer can understand and perform by it certain operations. Compiler- This is a special program that processes statements written in a programming language and turns them into machine language that a computer's processor uses. Here is an … Read more
piyoosh tripathi
piyoosh tripathi answered
Its totally depend on the product/service.. But the main thing is from my point of view .. When any company make the advertisement, they first see the social needs and also all other things after that they make advertisement.. So we can't say advertisement a social waste... It may be its waste for you but … Read more
piyoosh tripathi
piyoosh tripathi answered
Variables Used for Segmentation * Geographic variables o region of the world or country, East, West, South, North, Central, coastal, hilly, etc. O country size/country size : Metropolitan Cities, small cities, towns. O Density of Area Urban, Semi-urban, Rural. O climate Hot, Cold, Humid, Rainy. * Demographic variables o age o gender Male and Female … Read more