star gazing
star gazing answered Macauluy Culkin's question

I’m a girl who’s used to talking higher, but can also fall really low, so yes. As for singing, though, it gets trickier. Seen advice many many times that getting a vocal coach and doing exercises is best. You can sing in your highest head voice, but it‘ll be weaker and doing it improperly can … Read more

star gazing
star gazing blurted

Try talking to people online about it, or even in real life. There’s message boards and youtube videos that discuss this matter. Getting better from social anxiety is just a lot of practice and pushing yourself to do regular things again. It really gets better from there, for at least a while until you stop … Read more

star gazing
star gazing thanked Dances With Wolves' answer

That sounds like April 7 2020 is the day it should arrive now some deliveries could run behind due to special protocol so got to give or take but it should arrive on time :)

star gazing
star gazing answered Sarah Jackson Bennett's question

Hello, a lot of accounts tend to spam hashtag paragraphs in the comments to gain followers. Most of the time, this isn't a good method because bots and superficial following is gained but it works to get numbers up. Be sure to stick with relevant tags only (#makeup, #revolutionmakeup, #lipstick etc) and don't go over … Read more

star gazing
star gazing thanked Dances With Wolves' answer

I think you need to tell her just how you feel. I know it might seem impossible but I think that you can do it. Let her know just how you feel. If she doesn't want sit down to listen to you than talk to another older relative and explain to them what is going … Read more