Well, if you would like to create a website then it require lots of effort. First of all you should decide what kind of website you want to create such as product base, informative, personal etc. Now buy Domain and hosting according your criteria. If you have knowledge about programming then you can create website … Read more
Yes. I have a good experience in SDLC methodology. I am working as software analyst and I am using software development life cycle to make any software solution. Even you can go with Agile methodology which is also better for software development.
There are several functions of information technology in business environments which are given below
1. Communication
2. Inventory Management
3. Data Management
4. Management Information Systems
5. Customer Relationship Management
Well, if you would like to open an online account then just an open website where you want to open account and check whether any option to apply online. If the option is available then you can do it online.

What is love?
Love. It's the theme of countless songs, poems, plays, movies; it's portrayed by everything from the amorous Aphrodite of Ancient Greek mythology to the latest Rom-Com doing the rounds of theatres and cinemas; and yet, despite being so utterly obsessed and infatuated by it, when asked simply … Read more