Jean-Simon Lavoie
Jean-Simon Lavoie answered question
FROM: getchar This is a standard function that gets a character from the stdin. Getch This is a nonstandard function that gets a character from keyboard, does not echo to screen. Getche This is a nonstandard function that gets a character from the keyboard, echoes to screen. Use getchar if … Read more
Jean-Simon Lavoie
Jean-Simon Lavoie answered question
Hello. You can't force your mom to stop drinking. But you must take care of YOU, and you feel guilty. In the AA program, they teach children of alcoholics the 3 Cs: "You Did not cause it, you can not cure it, you can not control it. " There are Al-Anon groups, which can help … Read more
Jean-Simon Lavoie
Jean-Simon Lavoie answered
The material, so you just know if there fake if you a a bunch of whool residut thread (like if you pet a cat and all this hair stick on you ) on your whool coat. If you buy a new one, a fake have thread come out the scarf.