
What are the latest smart home technology for seniors?


3 Answers

Taila Nevado Profile
Taila Nevado answered


There are several innovative technologies that have been developed
these last few years. The ones that you should be investing in would depend on
how acquainted the person is to digital devices. You can check out voice
assistants, wearables such as fitness trackers so that they stay in good health
or smart speakers.

Ian Myers Profile
Ian Myers answered

With the rapid changes in technology every single day, smart homes are getting even smarter. Especially for the elderly, smart homes are designed to cater to their needs. Voice assistants are key for elderly smart homes.

Here are some of the latest technologies used in smart homes.
1: Voice assistants like amazon echo, Google Home
2: Wearable techs like fitness trackers
3: Smart cameras outside the home for vigilance
4: Indoor smart cameras for communicating with family

If you want some more updates on tech for seniors, I would highly recommend this blog Wearable technology for elderly.

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