I use the free version of Avast and I'm very happy with it. Like Rooster, I found that AVG was really slowing down my computer.
Are you still paying for anti-virus software or do you use one of the freebies? What's your experience?
Dear Didge,
When I had my old PC (1998 Gateway), my experience with anti-virus software was not good...almost acted like a virus itself! Plus it did not protect from all viruses, I did get one...
That was part of the reason I got Apple (2006) when I updated... However Apple of course IS still vulnerable...but so far it has worked out okay. Added to that I go mainly to a few trusted sites, or where others refer, as they may on Blurt; don't go Internet exploring a lot...
However I am going to Favourite this Q because I am not too happy with Apple, always prefer the power of MS Word. And yes I do have Word on my Apple, but it is still not the same.
I use Windows Defender some but I recently dumped AVG Free as it turned out to be a clunker over time. A good friend of mine re-wrote a bunch of the coding for Webroot and I switched to that. $29.99 a year. But I also have Malwarebytes Free and Hitman Pro. My systems are as safe as can be now. You might look into Webroot Secure Anywhere as it sure put a lot of speed back into my system.
My business runs on Apple products, IMAX desktop, iPad, and iPhone for support! We run 3 brother dual tray laser printers, 2 HP dual tray Office-jet printers, and another Brother Officejet printer in the trunk of my car. The only antivirus software we use is provided by Apple as part of there IOS. I got tired of windows charging for their upgrades, anti virus software and everything else. Been with rotten fruit (Apple) for three years, no issues.