No. If I did that, the cell towers would fall over.
Uh no. That wouldn't be very smart. People tend to forget that anything you send via email or post on the internet can become public knowledge. You might as well have them on a billboard in Time Square.
I have never taken nude pictures or video of myself or my significant other. I never wanted to worry about something like that being out there.
Dear Jann,
Yes I absolutely have...even right here on Blurt.
She's the Venus of Willendorff, she is 23,000 years old. I posted her to illustrate the ideal feminine is not always young or slender; and here she is again, in all her naked glory!
This is now illegal nowadays with hefty sentences attached to those who get caught
Nope. I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer and I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, A LOTS ...but even this blonde isn't that dumb to give someone that kinda leverage on me. Nopity nope nope nope !!! And nope
Maybe 😄
I will not confirm nor deny this.
I have sexted before, yes. My boyfriend and I both have each other's "naughty pics" lol. Tit for tat. Or...tat for tat in this case ;)
No i haven't.