There are plenty of jobs you can do around the house or neighborhood to earn some money. :0)
Good luck.
There are plenty of jobs you can do around the house or neighborhood to earn some money. :0)
Good luck.
Hi, I'm not.
Get a part-time job.
1. Walmart
2. Target
3. McDonald's
4. Burger King
5. Wendy's
6. Kroger
7. The Malls 100's of stores.
8. Grocery Stores
9. Khol's
10. Lawn care
11. Car Washes and work there.
12. I have more jobs.
Asking for money to buy food is one thing but asking for money to buy a video game? That just shows your immaturity, even as a teen.
You need to learn how to work to get something that you want. Nothing is free. Better to learn this now. It's summer - mow lawns, babysit, clean out someone's garage - surely there is someone in the neighborhood that needs help. If you want something bad enough, you'll find a way to earn the money that you need. Good luck.
Be like the rest of us .... Don't expect to get things until you can afford them. Get a job and earn it. You'll appreciate it much more if you earn the money for yourself.
I'm broke too. So, you help me instead.
come work for me and do some cleaning
Maybe help around the house. Your pairents MIGHT Â pay you. If not get a part-time job.
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