If people resort to pointless insults on Q&A websites, does it mean they lack social graces, they have lost an argument, or merely that they really have nothing much else to contribute?


3 Answers

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

I think it's all three of the things you said, Ray. Lot's of people nowadays just like to argue for the sake of arguing. They haven't much in the way of social graces and lack the thought of how others feel or see how they truly are. Many know they can hide behind the screen and say whatever they please. 

I've seen it on other sites as well and then they hold a childish grudge against that person and they don't even know them in life. Stupidity and immaturity.

Betty Boo Profile
Betty Boo answered

I see them as peole who only value their own choices and beliefs in society.

Letting others be free to be themselves seems more important.

It takes maturity and that comes from living and learing from making mistakes

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile

I think it is a combination of all three. The second one I have seen the most. Today, people cannot accept that maybe, just maybe, they might be incorrect. There are some, I have a few in mind, that will not accept that their opinion is just that, an opinion. It takes a great deal of maturity in order to discuss different viewpoints and when I find a person who disagrees with me but can still be friendly, I consider it a great conversation. Best of luck to you my friend!

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