Is it coincidental that Askers and Sodaheads have arrived here at the same time? Were both sites owned by the same company?


2 Answers

Sunshine Shelly Profile
Sunshine Shelly answered

I am one of the ask users who came over. I have never heard of Sodahead. If that helps answer or not, remains to be seen.

3 People thanked the writer.
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
Nor I, Sally. Your profile pic looks much better in the larger size. I didn't realise what interesting eyes you have. (And, no, that's not an empty compliment. They look as though you would cut through the BS very easily.)
Sunshine Shelly
Sunshine Shelly commented
lol, sort of known for cutting through the BS! And dang..on ask, they could not enlarge it. no one saw all my wrinkles, there! dagnabit...
Woof Woofy Profile
Woof Woofy answered

We sodaheaders got booted off on the first of this month (about 2 weeks ago) with no warning. I just discovered this site a few days ago while hunting for a new replacement  and so far I like what i see (and I will spread it around). However. I was never part of but I saw the colsoure message and it was impressive that the owners of Ask  had the decency to give a few weeks notice to their users. 

We SH's had no time to give out contact info to our friends or to save old messages from people who have passed away etc..

3 People thanked the writer.
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
That's bad news indeed, Skunky. Glad you found us here. With an influx of Askugees and Sodugees it's gonna change the face of Blurtit. I hope it's a welcome change.

It's really treating you with contempt with they give you no notice.
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
Sincerity told me. She received an email from Eric. Most of us have only picked it up by talking to those who had an official advice. The email had a link to a notice they put on their support page so we were able to check the official statement. They were much kinder to us than SodaHead were to there people, who received no warning at all.
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
There are a couple of odd little wrinkles but, yeah, it's a good site and easy to use. And the people have been welcoming, which is great.

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