Nope, I don't do that kind of stuff. I treat people all nice who treat me nice in return:)
No, I don't unfollow people, rather I follow them because I like to make new friends.
To me, being popular doesn't mean a thing as to who I follow. I follow people who are nice and intelligent and have a good personality. Age matters not. Manners do. Doesn't take me long to figure out people and the ones I like and respect, I follow.
Looking at it from the opposite side, I noticed this morning that two women on my other site have *sob* stopped following me. I yam shattered. >:-)
I could join with George Bernard Shaw who, when told that the king of (I think) Denmark had walked out after the first act of his new play said, "I applaud his intelligence."
Popularity doesn't matter, if they are a good person, they will gain a follow from me ❤