One technology that I could see replacing DVDs and which I'm very excited about is holograms.
Microsoft announced that, alongside its Windows 10 release, it will be launching a new product called HoloLens.

Essentially, it sounds like a cooler version of Google Glass... A headset that will allow you to interact with digital interfaces through "augmented reality".
The demo videos for HoloLens are pretty amazing, although I'm guessing the actual product won't be as good. But it is the start of a tech trend that I don't think is going away.
Forget about replacing the DVD, this type of technology would allow you to replace your entire TV with a customizable hologram!

I was also really impressed with the demonstration of how it would replace the way we interact with technology.
Rather than a mouse, or a trackpad, or a keyboard - we could become fully immersed in the "interface" ourselves.
Imagine, rather than watching a movie about landing on the surface of Mars, you could walk around and explore the surface of the red planet yourself, dynamically!