I've never used an I phone, but have a samsung galaxy and love it!
My opinion is that iPhone's are better.
I would say that an IPhone is better.
I have an Iphone 5c and wouldn't change it with anything
It depend on your taste what type of mobile OS you want either IOS or Android. Nowadays Android is common OS. If you have already used Android then switch to IOS for change.
Mehak is right. It actually comes down to your personal choice. Here is a link to a youtube video explaining the features of Samsung Galaxy S5. You can decide if this is the right phone for you. Good Luck!
It is one of the greatest 'smartphone wars'. There are a lot of different opinions around it, there's a lot of competitions and models too! You will always find Apple fans or Samsung ones so ultimately the choice is up to you and what you're looking for.
They work with different systems, have a completely different resolution and technology but they serve the same purpose. I personally have a Samsung Galaxy but I think it can be quite slow at times and the battery life is really short. However it is quite resistant and even though it has fallen a lot of times, it doesn't have many scratches. One of the complaints I've heard most about iPhones is that they're quite selective in terms of features (in the sense that you can only do certain things if you have and iPhone), you cannot expand the memory and they are really easy to break.
This is a pretty good video that explains the differences, pros and cons between the iPhone 5S and Galaxy S4 with more accuracy and information.
And here you can find a pretty good comparison with specific features that can help you figure out which one might be the best for you. Hope this helps!
IPhones are much much better than Samsung!
ASUS Padfone is OK too.
In my opinion iphone is much better than samsung galaxy in all quality like, camera quality, video, and many more.
I had both Samsung and Iphone, but I prefer Samsung, sometimes there was no connection in some places, then I have learned about mobile signal boosters, I don't have this problem any more. You can also try it: