There are many suggestions for what Diglett looks like underground, but the truth is no-one really knows do they?
It just became a popular joke for people to make fun of Pokemon...
What do YOU think Diglett looks like anyway? Some suggest the Pokemon i actually three hunky males huddled together underground, while others speculate that it is really Ash being weird...
Whatever you believe, there is no denying that Diglett is a mysterious Pokemon. I remember the first time Pikachu met a Diglett, I wasn't too sure what to make of him...
The general rule in Pokemon is that, when something looks too cute to be true, they usually have a darker side or a powerful power that you wouldn't expect.
The classic case of this is Clefairy or Jiggly Puff.
Anyway, even though Diglett is considered an "old school pokemon" the internet still enjoys talking about him and making fun of him through memes.