
Is Marissa Meyer related to Stephenie Meyer?


6 Answers

Erick Sims Profile
Erick Sims answered


Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

Stephanie Meyer and Marissa Mayer are not related.

They literally don't have anything to do with each other.

Stephanie Meyer is the person responsible for bringing the world vampire romance series Twilight.

Marissa Mayer (spelled with an 'A')

Is the current President and CEO of Yahoo. She's a Stanford graduate who became the first female engineer at Google, and is a bit of a genius.

She was in charge of Google's Search properties and user experience for several years, before turning her talent to location-related products like Google Map.

She then moved to rivals Yahoo in 2012 and is in the process of trying to turn the company's fortunes around.

thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
This isn't the right person. The question is regarding Marissa Meyer (with an e), who is a writer of YA fiction.
Penelope Snodgrass

Also it's StephEnie Meyer, dummy.
Faithlynn Justice Profile


Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered


Yvonne Rodriguez Profile

The problem is that the book designs resemble the Twilight series books design and the fact that they have the same last night doesnt ease the mind.

Maybe the same person who designed the Twilight Saga Series is the same person who designed the Cinder Series?

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