
Anyone Have A Rich Build A Bear Ville Account That Has Lots Of Stuff With It? Actually Give Me Any Build A Bear Ville Account. I Promise On My Whole Life I Wont Take Anything Or Hack Because I Need One Because Mine Got Hacked So I Know How It Feels


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
its true I do luv mommy
Amanda luuk Profile
Amanda luuk answered
Hello I'm doing the same thing every one of you are doing trying to get
credits,bearbills,bears,items,and collectables well I was looking for all those and I
found this email so I sent them a message and I got a reply to give them my password
username how much bearbills I want how much credits I want what items I want wich bears I
wanted and what collectables I wanted I had to go eat and then I went back online and I
had EVERYTHING the email is [email protected]
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Someone went into my account and now it will not let me in my account
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey I have one kristenkool201 password: Slima9
thats my sisters account but she died of a sickness and she was only 6 now I know my brother has aids I am 21 and my account name is
trishatotallycute48 my brothers tylertotallycute58 my step brothers tysuntotallycute1 and my parents are dead me and my brothers are alone and I have 2 children and no husband please can you help me find somebody to help :0(  :* thanks peace! ! Trisha wilson (my name)

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