Actually you can get you child back but you have to pay actual money! Other wise I would just create another account! Hope this helps!
I got my baby Lilyanna taken away at the age 1 year and a month old. I know this is a game but it feels so real. It's a hole in my heart and I need her back. All of my friends on babydow are my friends in real life. They love her as a neice. They would go on my account get me some money and buy her stuff. Same thing for my daughter Yosheeda. But Lily influenced my neices on babydow in a good way. They love playing with her. I was jut about to have another baby too, Rosealine. I might just name her Lilyanna. I feel like crying as I'm writting this because it feels so real. Am I even ready for a real child in real life. Add me as a friend. My name on babydow is: My world rocks
Well you have to take care of the child and you have to put your child to bed every night
Ppl I am so so sorry but you can never have your baby back unless you pay actual money
I just want to no how to get my baby emma back
I miss lily!
I miss Cristian Lee!!!
I don't' know I want Kat back and add me o babydow I'm kitkat1932
I'm trying to figure out that too. I have a 1 yr. Six month yr old kid on there named ky-lynn and they took her away.:(
My baby jodie got took away and she was six months 2 weeks add me jazzycat284
I MISS Rosalie SO MUCH!!!!!! She Was Only Ten Months Old And I Used A Primrose Hourglass Then They Took Her Away!!!!
I just got my baby isabella taken away from me and she was fed and taken well care of but now she got taken away
Isn't that ways for your baby NOT to get taken by the gardeners !!
If your baby has already been taken how do you get him back ??
If your baby has already been taken how do you get him back ??
I miss emily she was 2yrs 9 months ready to go to school now all I used was a wisteria dream to go to the next day I think yhe prob is when people use things to go to the next day like primrose hourglass
I got my 4 month 2 week old baby tooken away from me and I also made my baby go to school and they wont give her bac can any one help me!!!!
I had a baby called selena and she was ready to go to school but I didnt realise you can't take care of them.... I was so sad, I was bout to cry, plz pm me if you want me as your babys godparent
I'm called:
I'm called:
I had twins and the took the boy novalee n buddy buddy is gone ndd add me plz berry525
They took my baby tyjah away and he was 2yrs 9 mths and 2wks he was just bout 2 be in school and I just use the hour glass I'm sooooo ooooooooo sad
I have 1 now I had a girl that got taken away by the Gardners. She was 3 months old. I left for 3 days,I went on vacation now she is gone! Now I only have my older son Jackson. Bree was the one that got taken away from me. I'm Babylove100
I had a baby called morgy she just got taken away from me a few minuets ago. She is 1yr 3mnths and 2weeks I used the Wisteria Dream and she automaticly got taken away. I am so sad I am still trying to get her back but I'm not sure how to or if you can :( I am so sad
You can't she is gone forever
You can not get your baby back once it got taken away take good care of it next time :(
I got my 10 month 2 week old baby name Ty'Aunda taken away from me yesterday...I WANT HER BACK...I FEEL LIKE REPORTING THE WEBSITE. IF I KNEW HOW I WOULD.
Well I can't do anything with my baby cause its in there I have only My home,My nursery,The market and My profile its so anoying
I miss Sade she was 2yrs and I only left her for 5 mins
by the way please come to my nursery my name is alishaeri and the name of my nursery is best carers for babies
by the way please come to my nursery my name is alishaeri and the name of my nursery is best carers for babies
My baby has just got taken away I worked soo hard 4 her to get older than they gave me this thing so I can skip days and thaan they just took her I'm soo mad!!
You have to take really good care of it
I take care of mine extra well go on babydow atleast once a day my babys just been taken :(
Well they took my baby by gardeners I think they just take care of them add me on babydow Damaris321 I have 2 kids 1 on the way
I don't think you can get your baby back from the gardeners after yo get them taken add me please!!!tati-anna
I had a baby boy named Alexander he was my favorite! He is 10 months and 2 weeks! I miss him so much and so does his sister Milla! But I think I know why, I think you can only have one child now? I don't know?
My baby was taken away from me when she was 8 monthes old her name waz carlie ( it like social services taking away your baby) its a bummer you can't get you baby bk !! :((
Please help me cause I want my baby back. His name was Billy and he was great at music. I lost him when he was 11 months old. I have another baby thats younger but he wasn't my very first baby like billy so I have certain effection for Billy. Please someone find a way to get all of our babies back cause they may be cyber but they feel real inside!