
I Have The Sims Castaway Stories , I Need A Walkthrough Or A Guide Can You Help Me , As I Am Having A Lot Of Trouble With A Few Things?


14 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm afraid that there is a glitch in the game.  The same thing happened to me when I was playing it and I couldn't get out of the village.  After you have made friends with the villagers, the little girl should come and speak to you again.  If this hasn't happened, you will need to uninstall and reinstall the game, and start over again.  (This is what I did, and it worked the second time I played it)  There might be another way, but that's the way I did it. 

Hope this helps.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This doesn't really answer your question I just want to point out that I can't find a walk through for ANY of the The Sims Stories games, but I can find walkthroughs for the original Sims games, which doesn't make any sense as the Sims Stories have actual...well..STORIES. Whereas the originals have walkthroughs that they don't really need since they're more like a toy than a game. And it just pisses me off.
Aisha Profile
Aisha answered
The Sims Castaway stories is the name of  the 3rd game in the Sims stories series which is a video game. It was released in 2008. In this game sims live in an unexplored island and explore the island, make a shelter and try to make a living. For directions on how to play the game, see the link below:
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ignore him!!!! Just restart your computer!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You have to be patient and the chief will come then talk to him I'm already up to a part where I have to get a date with the shell phone that the chief gives you and I can't call anyone that will pick up the freaking phone!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Thats a glitch you are going to have to start all over again ... Its not suppose to happen for long time...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Up by their picture does it have a check mark because if it does not you need to get one by each picture then the arrows with turn green
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The dust pan and broom are symbols meaning he/she wants to clean up something, or get higher environmental items.
The idol doll goes on the rock on your right...
I am having problems looking for a cure for my sims disease, when the idol blows out something deadly :P
Sky Hoffman Profile
Sky Hoffman answered
I also would like to know something I have helped all 8 of the villagers but after speaking to the cheif and going to the jungle I get stuck I don't know where to go? There are 2 ppl gaurding one place and he other place is a shrine and no one is there where do I go???? HELP PLEASE!! I'm really stuck!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I need help on the bit before that I can't remember what some of the villages want

Phoebe xxx p.s sorry I count help but I will look it up and put it on
thanked the writer.
Karen commented
If you click the icon with a book on it you can read the "diary" of your sim... In it there are clues for each of the vilagers that give you gifts. Like Akolo says something like" if i had a jar of light, i'd keep it on my bedside to remind me of you. " he means a jar of fireflies. Get it? ^__^
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I assume that the dust pan and broom are symbols for environmental needs. Your Sim needs, or wants, to clean up something, or be in a room with furniture that have high environmental advantages.
(Example (When selecting an item from the Barter Mode/F2) ) : Environment : 10)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well if you continue to unexplored locations in the game you will end up at a waterfall and a small house "the shady lagoon" there you will see a first aid kit and you will be cured.

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