Is that the full question ? If so follow this code
TITLE write a program that accepts n integer numbers from the user and sum up the numbers and display the sum of the numbers
average of the n numbers
WriteString PROTO ; optional
ReadInt PROTO ; optional
mess1 BYTE "Enter 10 integer numbers: ",0
mess2 BYTE "the sum of ten integer numbers: ",0
myarray SDWORD 10 DUP(?)
main PROC
mov esi, OFFSET myarray
mov ecx, LENGTHOF myarray
call inputfornum ; Call the procedure to input the numbers
mov esi, OFFSET myarray
mov ecx, LENGTHOF myarray
call arraysum ; call procedure to add the numbers
Call displaysum ; call procedure to display the sum
main ENDP
inputfornum PROC ; start of the inputfornum procedure
pushad ; save the registers
mov edx, OFFSET mess1 ; "Enter the numbers"
; ======START of the loop
Call WriteString
call ReadInt ; input the number number
Call Crlf
mov [esi], eax
add esi, TYPE myarray
loop L1 ; loop back if ECX is not equal to zero
popad ; restore the registers
ret ; return to the procedure that do the call
inputfornum ENDP ; End of the PROC
arraysum PROC ;
push esi ; Save the esi, and ecx
push ecx
mov eax,0
Add eax, [esi]
add esi,4
loop L2
pop ecx ; restore ecx, esi
pop esi
arraysum ENDP
; procedure to display the sum
displaysum PROC
mov edx, OFFSET mess2
call writeString
call writeInt
call Crlf
displaysum ENDP
END main
the program ask a user for ten number and add them using procedure
if you have any question feel free to email me rdeus@ben,
TITLE write a program that accepts n integer numbers from the user and sum up the numbers and display the sum of the numbers
average of the n numbers
WriteString PROTO ; optional
ReadInt PROTO ; optional
mess1 BYTE "Enter 10 integer numbers: ",0
mess2 BYTE "the sum of ten integer numbers: ",0
myarray SDWORD 10 DUP(?)
main PROC
mov esi, OFFSET myarray
mov ecx, LENGTHOF myarray
call inputfornum ; Call the procedure to input the numbers
mov esi, OFFSET myarray
mov ecx, LENGTHOF myarray
call arraysum ; call procedure to add the numbers
Call displaysum ; call procedure to display the sum
main ENDP
inputfornum PROC ; start of the inputfornum procedure
pushad ; save the registers
mov edx, OFFSET mess1 ; "Enter the numbers"
; ======START of the loop
Call WriteString
call ReadInt ; input the number number
Call Crlf
mov [esi], eax
add esi, TYPE myarray
loop L1 ; loop back if ECX is not equal to zero
popad ; restore the registers
ret ; return to the procedure that do the call
inputfornum ENDP ; End of the PROC
arraysum PROC ;
push esi ; Save the esi, and ecx
push ecx
mov eax,0
Add eax, [esi]
add esi,4
loop L2
pop ecx ; restore ecx, esi
pop esi
arraysum ENDP
; procedure to display the sum
displaysum PROC
mov edx, OFFSET mess2
call writeString
call writeInt
call Crlf
displaysum ENDP
END main
the program ask a user for ten number and add them using procedure
if you have any question feel free to email me rdeus@ben,