To put it into very simple words! Think of your ear drums as trees on the West Coast beach in Florida. The wind in Florida comes out of the West or North West 85% of the time. So when those trees grow they lean to the East because of the wind! And grow from a seed like that, and can never grow straight again! OR a tight guitar string is high pitched if you stretch it the pitch gets lower, and can no longer make HIGH pitches ever! That's your ear drum!!!!
The magnets have no proved effect in that state! Worry more about those BASS sounds for they ARE hurting your ears FOR LIFE! My hearing loss comes from Claymore Mines and the VA give me $5000 worth of hearing aids and batteries FREE! YOU'LL HAVE TO BUY THEM!
The magnets have no proved effect in that state! Worry more about those BASS sounds for they ARE hurting your ears FOR LIFE! My hearing loss comes from Claymore Mines and the VA give me $5000 worth of hearing aids and batteries FREE! YOU'LL HAVE TO BUY THEM!