
Is It Possible To Turn Into A Pokemon In Real Life Or AmI Just Crazy?


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

That is something I would want too. But, unfortunately, I can't provide any info that you can become a Pokemon. Unless you use plastic surgery. That, or you could just cosplay.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Well yeah!  Some people actually do say you can do it but some people do. I'm confused about if it is true or not,  but still here's some options:

Plastic Surgery, Hypnotism and Cosplay - or you can just experiment to see if it works.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well yeah kinda if you get your watch and put pokemon DNA inside it and press it down so get a scientist to help with the DNA part OK then you will
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well it is possible to some and others no. So find somebody who thinks you can and knows an easy way.
lindsay schulte Profile
lindsay schulte answered
Without being judgmental, I'd say that you have a very creative imagination. However, it is not plausible that you would be turning into a pokemon.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You so totally can.  Like first, you find a-mister uhhh Bondy, aka doubley ooh seven.  Then you need to capture a SnarkSnark.  It will grant you one wish.  In order for it to come true, you have to eat a baby, then make the SnarkSnark into a soup, and eat that as well.  A Ponyta will appear.  This is you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well  nope

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