
What Are 'Winks'?


1 Answers

Louise Gorman Profile
Louise Gorman answered
'Winks' are animated pictures which can be sent to contacts on MSN Messenger during conversations. When you send a wink to someone on your contacts list they receive it and can play the animation if they wish, or the animation may play straight away without the recipient having to activate it.

Winks are provided with MSN messenger, although they can be purchsed as well from third party websites.

You can send a wink during a conversation by clicking on the arrow next to the winking smiley. Once you have clicked on the arrow, you can select a wink from the list. You can select one of the winks which are already on your list or alternatively, you can visit different websites to view more winks.

There is also another button which allows you to send fun winks to your contacts. This button is located on the menu at the side when you first sign into MSN Messenger (hover over the button with your mouse and it should say 'send fun winks').

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