
How Do You Make A Universal Remote?


2 Answers

Mary Frederick Profile
Mary Frederick answered
The best way to build a universal remote control is to get a kit. Manufacturers make up remote control kits today for children from eight (8) years old up can build their own remote control. It is fun and easy with a kit.

Kits will have everything you need, because when you try to find all the parts on your own, you do not always find everything you need. You also have to have parts, which are compatiable and will work together. When parts are not made to work togther then you spend a lot of time building a universal remote control that may or may not work. All you time and energy will have been wasted, if it does not work the way you intended for it to work.

SmartLab has remote control kits and with these you can take control of your TV, VCR, DVD and other equipment. You will learn to program your universal remote control and and learn how light and energy work together to make surfing possible and fun.

Other company's also put together universal remote control kits. Go to a store near you were kits for building electronic equipment are sold. Some hobby shops may also sell them ot you can go to this website and purchase a kit with a manual.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
... Just to the other answerer, NO DUH! The asker probably wants to know how to make it without a kit.

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