Is It Free Xxx Chat Room?


2 Answers

Rebekah Coulson Profile
Rebekah Coulson answered
The answer is a resounding no, this is not a free XXX chat room, not unless your loins quiver at thought of asking and answering questions. Since I'm guessing (well, hoping really) that this isn't the case with you, I am going to advise you that you're lost and suggest that you look elsewhere for your information.

This is the internet after all, and there is no small amount of people who insist that its purpose isn't to serve as an information super highway, but to exist as some sort of questionable gateway to all things venereal and naughty, like free XXX chat rooms!

You'll have to be careful though, you can't just keep inputting your text into any old box and hope that someday, somewhere someone will respond with affirmative words and not puzzlement over whether you're a) serious or b) literate. There are also legal ramifications of asking about free XXX all willy-nilly, because the internet is not completely populated by people who are over the age of 18. Trust me when I say that you do not want to be accused of soliciting a minor.

I can't actually tell you where to go to get your free XXX chat on, but I'm sure a quick Google search will point you in the right direction this time, though I refuse to be held responsible if it sends you to another question website. At that point, there might be no hope or XXX for you, my poor, confused internet denizen.

Assuming that you can read though, you might want to search for free XXX chat room review sites, as a lot of adult entertainment websites are rife with undesirable things like pop-up advertisements, auto-play videos, sneaky viruses, and unattractive layouts that look like they're straight out of the 90s.

I hope this points you in the right direction, and may you find your XXX chat somewhere out there.

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