Is it better to leave your PC on all the time or turn it off and on when you wish to use it?


8 Answers

Cyber Tooth Tiger Profile

I've been just logging off of mine when I'm done. I often wonder which was better to do?  Log off or shut it down!

Asma Jamil Profile
Asma Jamil answered

I shut my laptop off, when I have done with my work.

4 People thanked the writer.
Rooster Cogburn
Rooster Cogburn commented
That's fine for a laptop but not PC's.
Brendon Dismon
Brendon Dismon commented
Shut off properly it is better for your system maintenance.
Woof Woofy
Woof Woofy commented
I don't even turn off my laptop. the only time it goes off is when i need to install an update xD i have a simple chromebook from Toshiba. (the second model) and i like it lots. start up takes 8 to 10 seconds. compared to windows 45 second start up..
Woof Woofy Profile
Woof Woofy answered

Put it in sleep mode. I've done that for years and nothing bad has happened to my computer.

Arun Kumar Profile
Arun Kumar answered

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Firstname Refreshme lastname Profile

During a thunderstorm I unplug rverything.

Jenna Linden Profile
Jenna Linden answered

When your PC is in a sleep mode, it still consumes energy. Moreover, it emits harmful particles and dust when it's on. That's why it is a useful practice to switch it on only when you work at it.

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