
What is your opinion about TV?


6 Answers

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

I could take it or leave it. Even with all the channels I have, I rarely watch anything but a new movie and of course some Westerns. Sometimes I don't watch any TV for a week or more. The only time I look at the local channels is for the news and sports. But that's about it.

ly fen chen Profile
ly fen chen answered

It's one way of entertainment at home. It transfers and broadcast all the news and programs for us from all over the world. So it's important to us as well, even some of us seldom watch it cause many reasons like : Online ,talk with cell phone or iparc etc...

Karla Lol Profile
Karla Lol answered


Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

I know we're not supposed to like it, but I personally love TV.

Growing up, my dad used to work for a TV company too, so maybe I'm a little biased... But everything from weeknight entertainment through to current events and some really educational documentaries have been enjoyed on my TV set.

And now that more and more tech companies are taking notice of TV as a medium, I look forward to the evolution of how we watch shows, films and more...

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