
What is a hack for likedike?


2 Answers

Andy Cola Profile
Andy Cola answered

The Likedike app for Instagram is a popular way to gain followers and likes for a specific post or profile on Instagram.

It's not so much a "hack" as a sort of 'game' where you can earn points for performing actions (via the app) such as liking other people's posts on Instagram, or following them.

Why you would use Likedike to follow people on Instagram?

The main reason people use the app is that, with the points you get for following people or liking photos, you can then trade them in for likes or followers of your own.

These likes and followers are all genuine, so it's a great way to become very popular on Instagram based on taking part in the app.

If you want to use the Likedike app to become popular on Instagram (or at least make people think you are), then here's the iTunes link:

If you want to know a bit more about what the fuss is all about, then check out this video about Likedike:

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

If you are looking to hack Like Dike, then I think you need to really question where you're at and what you're trying to accomplish in life.

Like Dike is a tool that is used to essentially "hack" the Instagram liking system by encouraging more people to like your posts that would organically happen on Instagram.

If your objective is now to hack an app that is already counter to everything Instagram stands for (genuine profiles, genuine user engagement), then I would really have to ask why you bother using Instagram in the first place?

Do your peers really matter to you so much that you'll do anything to impress them - including hacking apps to get more likes on Instagram?

Also.. I don't know if you've been keeping up with the news, but Instagram have recently rolled out a "purge" of fake accounts.

This means that many of the accounts which were associated with Like Dike have been removed.

In addition, you run the risk of losing your own account if  Instagram discover you behaving in a way that is contrary to their terms of use.

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