
What does cwd mean on Instagram?


4 Answers

Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

If you come across the term "CWD" on Instagram, then you might be wondering what exactly it means. The answer is comment when done.

It is used when one Instagram user does a "shoutout" for another user, in return for a shoutout himself.

This helps the users both get more followers, as the usernames are seen by each other's followers...

CWD would be used to ask the second user to alert via a comment when the shoutout is complete, so the first user can check and then reciprocate the favour.

For example, you would use CWD in situations like:

User 1: Hey, shoutout for shoutout?

User 2: Yeah ok, cwd

User 1: Done, now your turn :)

If you want to learn to become an EXPERT in Instagram slang, then check out this short video:

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